5 Most Popular Cold Email Infrastructure Tools For B2Bs [2024]

Frank Bacon
September 6, 2024
5 min read
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If you're tired of spending too much time and money on cold email infrastructure, you're in the right place.

Or maybe you’re wondering if your current setup is the best for scaling your cold outreach efforts?

Perhaps you're not sure how to optimize your cold email strategy without burning a hole in your pocket?  

What if I tell you – "You can totally nail this!"

Yes, you!

With the right cold email infrastructure tools your emails will land on prospect inbox just like this. 

Cold email infrastructure tools can simplify and scale your email campaigns, saving time and money while boosting efficiency.

So, whether you're a B2B sales rep seeking more efficient cold emailing,


A cold email specialist looking for scalable infrastructure,


You run an agency that needs to optimize email outreach for clients,

This blog is exactly what you need.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

🌟 First, we’ll dive into why setting up a solid cold email infrastructure is crucial for outreach success.

🌟 Then, we'll discuss the 12 things you must consider before investing in any cold email tool.

🌟 I’ll break down each feature – from pricing per mailbox to automated SPF/DKIM/DNS setup, domain cost, and more.

🌟 We'll explore the 5 most popular cold email infrastructure tools: Mailforge, Infraforge, Mailscale, Maildoso, and Inframail.

🌟 Finally, I'll help you decide which tool suits you best with a detailed comparison table.

So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let's explore the best cold email infrastructure tools to elevate your cold email game! 

5 Most Popular Cold Email Infrastructure Tools (Quick Look)

Tool Features Pricing User Ratings
Mailforge Email tracking, bulk email campaigns, automated DNS/DKIM/SPF setup, detailed analytics, domain transfer Starts at $3/month per mailbox 4.9/5
Infraforge Dedicated IPs, quick setup, multi-IP provisioning, easy domain creation, full control over infrastructure $2.5 to $4 per mailbox per month 5/5
Mailscale Scalability up to 1,000 email accounts, automated setup, email warm-up, domain management, integration support $79/month (Solopreneur Plan) to $249/month (Enterprise Plan) 5/5
Maildoso Automated domain and mailbox setup, master inbox management, high deliverability through IP rotation, domain forwarding, compliance and security, integration support $99/3 months (Small Package) to $2,199/3 months (Pro Package) 4.8/5
Inframail Unlimited inboxes, automated setup, dedicated IPs, seamless integration, high deliverability, scalable infrastructure $99/month (Unlimited Plan) to $249/month (Agency Pack) Not Available

What Exactly is Email Infrastructure?

In simple terms, email infrastructure for cold emailing is the entire setup that ensures your emails land in the recipient's inbox and not in the spam folder. 

It's like building a road that your emails travel on. If the road is well-built and maintained, your emails reach their destination smoothly. If not, they get stuck or, worse, lost. 

Key Components of Email Infrastructure:

  • Domain and Email Server: These act as your email’s home and road.
  • IP Addresses: Choose between shared or private for your email sending.
  • Authentication Protocols: SPF, DKIM, and DMARC work like security checks to verify your email's legitimacy.
  • Reputation Management: Your domain and IP need a good reputation to ensure emails get delivered.

Why is Email Infrastructure Crucial for Cold Emails?

Because when you and I send out cold emails, the recipients don’t expect them. This makes it more likely for these emails to end up in spam, especially if the email infrastructure isn't properly set up.  

Read this to know Why: Cold Email vs Spam: What's the Difference and Does Cold Email Still Work?

It’s like you’re knocking on a stranger’s door—if you don’t have a valid reason or a good introduction, the door might not open. Similarly, without a solid email infrastructure, your emails might never reach the inbox.  

5 Key Reasons Why Email Infrastructure is Crucial:

  • Deliverability: Without proper setup, your emails might end up in spam folders, never reaching your prospects. A solid infrastructure ensures your emails land in the inbox, maximizing your chances of engagement.

  • Scalability: As your outreach efforts grow, you need an infrastructure that can handle increased volumes without compromising performance. This means managing IP reputation, warm-ups, and proper throttling.

  • Compliance: Adhering to regulations like GDPR and CAN-SPAM is easier with a well-structured email setup, avoiding potential legal pitfalls.

  • Personalization: A good infrastructure allows for advanced personalization at scale, making your cold emails more effective by targeting specific pain points of your prospects.

  • Tracking and Optimization: With the right setup, you can track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and responses, allowing you to continuously optimize your campaigns.

Getting your email infrastructure right is not just a technical requirement; it’s the backbone of a successful cold email strategy. 

Complexities in Setting Up Email Infrastructure

Setting up email infrastructure isn’t just about picking a tool and going with it. It’s more like setting up a whole system. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Choosing Between Shared IP and Private IP: If you go for shared IPs, you’re sharing the reputation with other users. It’s like sharing a taxi; if one passenger behaves badly, it can affect the whole ride. On the other hand, a private IP gives you full control but requires you to build and maintain its reputation from scratch.

  • Setting Up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Records: These are like security badges that authenticate your emails. If you and I don’t set them up correctly, emails are more likely to be flagged as spam. And trust me, dealing with spam issues is a real headache.  
Also Read: 10 Tips to Lower High Cold Email Spam Rates in 2024
  • Ongoing Maintenance and Costs: Building a reliable email infrastructure takes time—setting up the domain, ensuring proper DNS settings, warming up the IP, and maintaining the domain reputation. It’s not a one-time setup; it’s an ongoing process.

So, if you're thinking about diving into cold emailing, remember that the success of your campaigns heavily relies on getting your email infrastructure right. 

It’s not just about sending emails; it’s about building a strong foundation that ensures those emails land where they should—in the inbox. 

Now, let's take a look at 12 things to consider when investing in an email infrastructure tool. 

12 Things To Look Before Investing In Cold Email Infrastructure Tools?

Feature Explanation
Pricing Per Mailbox Understand costs per mailbox, especially if you plan to scale. Costs can add up quickly.
Email Tracking Tracks who opens your emails and clicks links, helping you know what's working and what’s not.
Bulk Email Campaigns Ensure the tool can handle high volumes without issues. Not all tools manage large campaigns smoothly.
Shared IP Cost-effective but risky. Poor practices by others can affect your deliverability.
Private IP Offers control over email reputation but is more costly. Best if you want to avoid being affected by others.
IMAP/SMTP Essential protocols for sending/receiving emails. Good tools support both for smooth operations.
Automated SPF/DKIM/DNS Setup Automates key security setups to prevent emails from being marked as spam. Saves you technical effort.
Domain Limit Check how many domains you can use. Important if managing multiple brands or campaigns.
Deliverability Higher deliverability means more emails land in the inbox, not spam. Crucial for effective outreach.
Domain Cost Domain costs vary. Consider this when budgeting, especially if you need several domains.
Domain Redirect Allows traffic to be directed from one domain to another. Useful for managing multiple campaigns.
Setup Time How quickly can you start? Some tools are easy to set up; others take more time and effort.

5 Most Popular Cold Email Infrastructure Tools

1. Mailforge

Mailforge is a cold email infrastructure tool that provides a reliable and robust way to manage your cold email campaigns. The tool is well-known for its strong deliverability rates and user-friendly interface.  

This image shows the dashboard of Mailforge

Unlike some other tools, Mailforge focuses on simplifying the setup process while offering powerful features that help you scale your outreach smoothly. 

Key Features of Mailforge

  • Email Tracking: Allows you to monitor who opens your emails and clicks on your links. This helps you understand which emails are performing well and which need improvement.

  • Bulk Email Campaigns: Enables you to send emails to hundreds or thousands of recipients at once without compromising on performance or deliverability.

  • Automated DNS/DKIM/SPF Setup: Automatically configures essential authentication protocols to ensure your emails are seen as legitimate, reducing the risk of ending up in spam folders.

  • Detailed Analytics: Provides comprehensive insights into your email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and response rates, allowing you to optimize your strategy.

  • Domain Transfer: Offers a seamless process for transferring your existing domains, making it easier to manage multiple email campaigns from one platform. 

Mailforge Pricing

Mailforge’s pricing starts at $3 per month per mailbox, with discounts available for bulk purchases, making it a flexible option depending on your needs.

 While it might be slightly more expensive compared to other ESPs, its robust features, ease of use, and reliable deliverability often justify the cost. 

This image shows the pricing of Mailforge

For Example:

Let’s say you’re a small B2B agency managing cold email outreach for multiple clients. You need to manage 5 different domains with a total of 50 email accounts to run targeted campaigns.

  • Domain Cost: If each domain transfer costs $13 per year, the cost for 5 domains would be:
    • 5 domains x $13/year = $65/year

  • Email Account Cost: Assuming you go for the bulk pricing option where each mailbox costs $2.50/month (since you’re managing 50 mailboxes), the total monthly cost for email accounts would be: 
    • 50 email accounts x $2.50/month = $125/month
    • Annual Cost for Email Accounts: $125/month x 12 months = $1,500/year

Total Annual Cost for Using Mailforge:

  • Domain Costs: $65/year
  • Email Accounts Costs: $1,500/year

Overall Cost: $65 + $1,500 = $1,565/year

With this setup, you’d have robust email tracking, automated DNS/DKIM/SPF setup, and detailed analytics for all your domains and mailboxes, ensuring high deliverability and efficient management of your cold email campaigns.

Pros and Cons of Mailforge


  • Robust Features: Provides comprehensive tools for email tracking, automated setups, and detailed analytics.

  • Easy to Use: The intuitive interface makes it simple to set up and start running  campaigns, even for those who aren't tech-savvy.

  • Automated Setup: Automated DNS/DKIM/SPF setup saves you from the technical hassles often associated with cold email infrastructure.  
This image shows the user review of Mailforge in Reddit
  • Good Deliverability: High deliverability rates help ensure your emails land in the inbox rather than the spam folder.


  • Slightly Higher Price: Compared to other ESPs, Mailforge is a bit more expensive. However, the robust features and ease of use may justify the cost for many users. 

Mailforge Review:

Here are some of the reviews Mailforeg has received. 

Platform Rating
G2 4.9/5
Product Hunt 5/5
TechImply 5/5
Capterra Not available
GetApp Not available

If you're looking to enhance your cold email strategy, consider Warmforge and Salesforge, both from the Salesforge family:

  • Warmforge: Focuses on improving email deliverability with AI-driven warm-up processes, optimizing inbox placement, and reducing bounce rates—ideal for maintaining high deliverability.
  • Salesforge: Offers advanced personalization, unlimited warm-up, and centralized mailbox management, making it perfect for scaling cold outreach campaigns with high deliverability.

Warmforge starts at $12/month, while Salesforge’s Pro and Growth plans are $48/month and $96/month, respectively. These tools provide specialized solutions to elevate your cold email efforts.


Mailforge offers a strong cold email infrastructure with robust features that cater to both small businesses and larger teams looking to scale their outreach.  

While it might be slightly more expensive than some competitors, its easy-to-use interface, reliable deliverability, and automated features make it a worthy investment for anyone serious about cold emailing.

2. Infraforge

Infraforge provides a private email infrastructure with dedicated IPs, which means you are not sharing your email reputation with other users. 

Think of it like owning your own house rather than living in an apartment complex; your actions alone determine your email reputation. 

This is crucial if you are serious about maintaining high deliverability rates and avoiding spam folders.

This image shows the dashboard of Infraforge

Key features: 

  • Dedicated IPs: Unlike tools that rely on shared IP systems, Infraforge gives you your own dedicated IP. This helps maintain a strong sender reputation by avoiding risks associated with other users’ actions.

  • Quick Setup: With automated DNS and SPF/DKIM configuration, you can create multiple domains and mailboxes in just minutes, saving you time and hassle.

  • Multi-IP Provisioning: Scale your email infrastructure by adding multiple IPs to improve email distribution and deliverability.

  • Easy Domain Creation: Quickly set up domains with an auto domain generator or select from a list. You can complete the setup process in just a few steps. 

This image shows the dashboard in Infraforge
  • Full Control: Manage your domains and mailboxes with full autonomy, ensuring maximum inbox placement and better control over your cold email campaigns.

Infraforge.ai Pricing

Infraforge’s pricing is designed to provide flexibility for businesses of all sizes:

  • Per Domain Cost: $13 per domain per year, allowing you to manage multiple domains affordably.

  • Per Mailbox Cost: Ranges from $2.5 to $4 per mailbox per month, with discounts for larger volumes. 
Infraforge Pricing
This image shows the pricing of Infraforge

Practical Example: If you need 3 domains and 10 email accounts:

  • Domain Cost: 3 domains x $13/year = $39/year
  • Email Accounts: 10 accounts x $3.3/month = $33/month or $396/year
  • Total Annual Cost: $435/year 

Pros and Cons of Infraforge


  • Robust Control: Dedicated IPs provide full control over your email reputation and deliverability.

  • Enhanced Security: Reduced risk of emails landing in spam due to other users' poor practices.

  • Scalable Infrastructure: Easily add multiple IPs and domains to scale your cold email efforts.

  • Automated Setup: Quick setup with automated DNS and SPF/DKIM configurations.


  • Higher Initial Cost: Infraforge can be more expensive upfront compared to shared IP systems. However, it pays off for high-stakes campaigns needing reliable deliverability.

Infraforge Review:

Users appreciate Infraforge for its reliable performance and high deliverability. One major benefit is the peace of mind that comes from not sharing IP reputation with others, which is crucial for those running high-stakes campaigns. 

This image shows the user review of Infraforge in G2

The platform’s quick setup and automated configurations make it easy for users to get started and maintain their cold email infrastructure without constant technical intervention. 

Platform Infraforge Rating
G2 5/5
Product Hunt Not available
TechImply Not available
Capterra Not available
GetApp Not available

Summary of Infraforge

Infraforge offers a private email infrastructure with dedicated IPs that ensure better control, security, and deliverability for your cold email campaigns. 

It’s ideal for businesses that need a robust and reliable solution, providing you with the tools to scale effectively while maintaining a strong sender reputation. 

While it may require a slightly higher investment upfront, Infraforge's benefits make it a worthwhile choice for serious email marketers. 

3. MailScale

Mailscale is an email infrastructure tool that automates the creation of up to 1,000 email accounts, enabling you to send bulk emails without hitting spam traps. 

This image shows the homepage in Mailscale

If you’re worried about getting flagged as spam for sending too many emails from a single account, Mailscale addresses this issue by allowing you to distribute your email volume across many accounts.

Key Features of Mailscale

  • Scalability: Mailscale supports the creation of up to 1,000 email accounts, enabling you to scale your cold email campaigns effectively. This ensures that you can send a large number of emails without compromising on deliverability.

  • Automated Setup: It automates technical setups like DNS records (DKIM, DMARC, SPF), which reduces the time and complexity involved in setting up multiple email accounts.

  • Email Warm-Up: The tool includes an email warm-up feature that gradually increases the number of emails sent from each account, helping build a good reputation and avoid spam folders.

  • Domain Management: Mailscale simplifies managing multiple domains, ensuring all DNS records are configured correctly for optimal performance.

  • Integration and Support: Integrates easily with other tools like Instantly and Smartlead. It also offers personalized support, deliverability consultants, and access to a free cold email course.

MailScale Pricing 

Mailscale provides three pricing plans tailored to different levels of email outreach:

This image shows the pricing of Mailscale

Solopreneur Plan - $79/month

  • Up to 15 email accounts ($5.26 per account)
  • Automated DNS/DKIM/SPF setup
  • Setup in 5 minutes with 24-hour delivery
  • Limited access to new features

Business Plan - $119/month

  • Up to 50 email accounts ($2.38 per account)
  • Includes priority support, a free cold email course, deliverability consultant, and plug & play email scripts
  • Automated DNS/DKIM/SPF setup

Enterprise Plan - $249/month

  • Up to 200 email accounts ($1.20 per account)
  • Includes everything in the Business Plan, plus priority access to new features and upgrades at $1/month per additional email account

Yearly Plans (Save 20%)

  • Prices for each plan are discounted when billed annually.  

Pros and Cons of Mailscale


  • High Scalability: Easily scale your email outreach by creating up to 1,000 email accounts.

  • Automated Technical Setup: Saves time by automating the setup of DNS records (DKIM, DMARC, SPF).

  • Cost-Effective at Scale: Offers significant cost savings, especially for larger operations managing hundreds of accounts.

  • Email Warm-Up Feature: Helps build a strong sender reputation and improves deliverability.


  • Higher Initial Costs: May seem costly for smaller operations compared to some competitors.

Mailscale Review:

Here are some of the Mailscale reviews:

Platform Infraforge Rating
G2 5/5
Product Hunt Not available
TechImply Not available
Capterra Not available
GetApp Not available

Users appreciate Mailscale for its ability to manage large-scale cold email outreach efficiently. 

The automated setup and email warm-up features are highlighted as major advantages, saving time and improving deliverability. 

Many users report achieving 95-100% deliverability rates during the initial weeks, thanks to the built-in warm-up process. 

However, the higher initial cost is noted as a drawback, but the value added through advanced features and cost efficiency makes it a strong contender. 

Also Read: Mailscale Review: How It Compares with 3+ Leading ESPs in Cost and Efficiency

Mailscale Summary

Mailscale offers a powerful solution for businesses looking to scale their cold email outreach with a robust email infrastructure. 

Its automated setup, high scalability, and cost-effective plans make it an excellent choice for large-scale email campaigns. 

While it might have higher initial costs, the added value through features like email warm-up and quick deployment makes it a worthwhile investment for serious cold email marketers. 

If you’re looking to save time, reduce costs, and improve deliverability, Mailscale stands out as a top choice.

4. Maildoso

Maildoso is an email infrastructure tool that focuses on making outbound cold email campaigns easier and more effective. 

It automates the setup of domains and email accounts, handles essential DNS settings like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, and ensures high deliverability by sending low volumes of emails from multiple domains. 

This setup minimizes the risk of your emails ending up in spam folders, which is a common challenge in cold emailing.

This image shows the homepage of Maildoso

Key Features of Maildoso

  • Automated Domain and Mailbox Setup: Maildoso takes care of the complex setup for you, including DNS settings such as SPF, MX, and DKIM. This automation saves you time and ensures everything is configured correctly for effective cold email outreach.

  • Master Inbox Management: You can manage thousands of email accounts from a single inbox. This feature automatically identifies the correct sending account based on the conversation history, simplifying your workflow.

  • High Deliverability Through IP Rotation: Maildoso uses IP rotation to maintain high deliverability. By sending small batches of emails from multiple domains, it avoids spam filters and improves open rates.

  • Domain Forwarding and Ownership: Domains registered with Maildoso can automatically redirect traffic to your main site. You can also transfer domain ownership at any time without additional charges.

  • Compliance and Security: The platform uses its own SMTP servers and only allows emails to verified domains, helping you maintain compliance and protect your sender reputation.

  • Flexible Management for Agencies: If you are an agency, Maildoso allows you to delete and create new email accounts under the same licenses, which is helpful if your client base changes.

  • Integration Support: Maildoso supports easy integration with popular cold email tools, offering import-ready CSV files for seamless setup.

Maildoso Pricing 

Each plan includes the same core features for email management, but they scale based on the number of accounts, domains, and master inboxes provided.

Here’s a breakdown of the Maildoso pricing plans to help you understand them better:

This image shows the pricing of Maildoso

Small Package

  • Ideal for beginners or small-scale cold email campaigns. 
  • It includes 12 email accounts and 3 free domains, along with basic features like out-of-office filters and automatic setup of SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and MX records.

Starter Package

  • For moderate use, with 40 email accounts and 10 free domains. 
  • This plan is great for businesses needing more extensive outreach but still within a controlled environment.

Growth Package

  • Aimed at growing businesses or agencies. 
  • It offers 140 email accounts and 35 free domains. It also includes more master inboxes to manage your outreach efficiently.

Pro Package

  • Best for large-scale operations or enterprise-level use, featuring 400 email accounts and 100 free domains. 
  • It provides the highest level of control and scalability for extensive cold email campaigns.

Pros and Cons of Maildoso

Based on the reviews, here are the pros and cons of Maildoso:


  1. Ease of Setup: Many users highlighted how quick and straightforward it is to set up domains and mailboxes, saving time and effort.
This image shows the user review of Maildoso

  1. High Deliverability: Users frequently mentioned improved email deliverability rates, which is a significant benefit for cold email outreach.

  2. Responsive Customer Support: Positive feedback on the support team’s responsiveness and helpfulness.
This image shows the user review of Maildo
  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Users appreciate the affordability of Maildoso compared to alternatives like Google Workspace or Outlook.

  2. All-in-One Service: The platform automates complex tasks (e.g., SPF, DKIM setups), making it easier for users who lack technical expertise.


  1. Domain Management: Some users expressed difficulty in managing domains, such as transferring them or customizing email profiles.
This image shows the user review of Maildoso
  1. User Interface and Features: A few users suggested that the UI could be more intuitive and that there should be better visibility into account settings.
This image shows the user review of Maildoso

  1. Limited Customization Options: Certain users mentioned the lack of features like adding profile pictures to email accounts.

  2. No Monthly Payment Option: Users expressed a desire for more flexible billing options, as currently, only quarterly or yearly plans are available.

Maildoso Review:

Here are reviews Maildoso received from its users:

Platform Maildoso Reviews
G2 4.8/5
Product Hunt Not Available
Software Advice Not Available
Capterra Not Available
Trustradius Not Available
GetApp Not Available

Users generally appreciate Maildoso for its ease of setup and high deliverability rates. The automated features save time and reduce technical complexity, making it a great choice for those who need an all-in-one solution. 

However, some users have pointed out areas for improvement, particularly around domain management and user interface customization.

Also Read: Ultimate Maildoso Review: Is it worth Email Infrastructure Tool?

Maildoso Summary

Maildoso is a solid choice for managing your cold email infrastructure. It’s ideal for businesses that want to automate the setup and management of domains and emails while ensuring high deliverability. 

While it might lack some customization features and more flexible payment options, its strong deliverability, ease of use, and responsive support make it a reliable option for outbound cold email campaigns. 

If you’re looking for a comprehensive tool to handle your email infrastructure needs with minimal hassle, Maildoso is worth considering.

5. Inframail

Inframail offers a cold email infrastructure that provides dedicated IPs, ensuring you control your email deliverability and reputation. 

Unlike shared IP systems, where your emails can be affected by the behavior of other users, Inframail gives you full control, allowing you to manage your reputation and deliverability better. 

This image shows the homepage of Inframail

With unlimited inboxes and automated setup, it makes managing large-scale cold email campaigns much easier.

Key Feature of Inframail 

Here’s what you get: 

  • Unlimited Inboxes: You can create as many email inboxes as you need at a flat rate. This is perfect for scaling your campaigns without worrying about per-inbox fees.

  • Automated Setup: Inframail automatically sets up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records, saving you the trouble of manual configurations. This setup is fast and helps improve deliverability. 

  • Dedicated IPs: With Inframail, you get your own IP addresses, allowing you to maintain a good sender reputation and avoid the risks associated with shared IPs.

  • Seamless Integration: It supports exporting inboxes to email tools like Instantly.ai, Smartlead.ai, or Reachinbox.ai, making it flexible for various workflows.

  • High Deliverability: Built on Microsoft’s cloud platform, Inframail offers strong deliverability rates to ensure your emails reach the inbox, not the spam folder.

  • Scalable Infrastructure: Inframail's infrastructure is designed for scaling cold emails efficiently, with features that simplify complex setups.

Inframail is ideal for those tired of the high costs and complexity associated with Google Workspace or Outlook, making it a great choice for scaling cold email campaigns quickly and effectively. 

Inframail Pricing

Inframail offers two pricing plans designed to suit different needs:

This image shows the pricing of Inframail

1. Unlimited Plan ($99/Month):

  • Includes 1 dedicated IP.
  • Free automated email setup.
  • Unlimited email inboxes.
  • Priority support.
  • Up to 5 domain setups per day.

It could also cost $1029.70 if you opt for the yearly plan.

2. Agency Pack ($249/Month):

  • Includes 3 dedicated IPs.
  • Free automated email setup.
  • Unlimited email inboxes.
  • Priority support.
  • Up to 15 domain setups per day.

It could also cost $2,589.60 if you opt for the yearly plan.

Both plans focus on scalability and efficiency, making them ideal for agencies or teams looking to maximize their cold email outreach efforts.  

Pros and Cons of Inframail


  • Full Control Over Deliverability: With dedicated IPs, you manage your email reputation without worrying about other users' actions.

  • Cost-Effective for Scaling: Unlimited inboxes at a flat rate make it easier and cheaper to manage large campaigns.

  • Quick and Easy Setup: Automated SPF, DKIM, and DMARC setups save time and reduce errors.

  • High Deliverability Rates: Strong infrastructure based on Microsoft’s cloud platform ensures emails land in inboxes.


  • Potential for Lower Deliverability Compared to Some Traditional Services: While Inframail provides good deliverability, some users may find slightly lower rates compared to well-established platforms like Google Workspace.

  • Initial Cost: The pricing may be higher upfront, especially if you opt for multiple dedicated IPs.

Inframail Review: 

Here are some of the reviews Inframail received from its users. 

Platform Infraforge Rating
G2 Not Available
Product Hunt Not Available
TechImply Not Available
Capterra Not Available
GetApp Not Available

Users who need a reliable cold email infrastructure often find Inframail to be a strong choice. Its dedicated IPs and unlimited inboxes provide the control and flexibility needed for scaling cold email campaigns. 

Many users appreciate the automated setup process, which takes away the hassle of manual configuration, and the overall simplicity of managing large email operations. 

 However, some users note that while Inframail’s deliverability is strong, it may not match the absolute highest deliverability rates seen with some traditional email services. 

Also Read: In-depth Inframail Review: Is it worth the Cold Email Infrastructure Tool?

Inframail Summary

Inframail is a solid option for businesses or agencies that want full control over their email infrastructure. It offers dedicated IPs, unlimited inboxes, and a simple, automated setup that makes scaling cold email campaigns easy and efficient. 

While the upfront costs may be a bit higher, the ability to control deliverability and scale without the risks of shared IPs makes Inframail a valuable tool for those serious about their cold email outreach.

Which Cold Email Infrastructure Tool is best for you?

Choosing the best cold email infrastructure tool really depends on what you and I are looking for in our email outreach strategy. 

Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, and understanding these will help us pick the right one that suits our specific needs. 

Here’s a comparison table of all the tools so that you can see which tool aligns best with what you might need.

Tool G2 Rating Pricing Key Features Pros Cons Ideal For
Mailforge 4.9/5 Starts at $3/month per mailbox Email tracking, bulk email campaigns, automated DNS/DKIM/SPF setup, detailed analytics, domain transfer Robust features, easy to use, good deliverability Slightly higher price compared to other ESPs Businesses looking for robust features, ease of use, and strong deliverability
Infraforge 5/5 $2.5 to $4 per mailbox per month Dedicated IPs, quick setup, multi-IP provisioning, easy domain creation, full control over infrastructure Full control over deliverability, enhanced security, scalable infrastructure Higher initial cost compared to shared IP systems Businesses/agencies needing full control and high security over their cold email infrastructure
Mailscale 5/5 $79/month (Solopreneur Plan) to $249/month (Enterprise Plan) Scalability up to 1,000 email accounts, automated setup, email warm-up, domain management, integration support High scalability, automated technical setup, cost-effective at scale, email warm-up feature Higher initial costs for smaller operations Large businesses/agencies looking to scale cold email campaigns efficiently
Maildoso 4.8/5 $99/3 months (Small Package) to $2,199/3 months (Pro Package) Automated domain and mailbox setup, master inbox management, high deliverability through IP rotation, domain forwarding Ease of setup, high deliverability, responsive customer support, cost-effective Limited customization, no monthly payment option Small to medium-sized businesses needing an all-in-one cold email infrastructure solution
Inframail Not Available $99/month (Unlimited Plan) to $249/month (Agency Pack) Unlimited inboxes, automated setup, dedicated IPs, seamless integration, high deliverability, scalable infrastructure Full control over deliverability, unlimited inboxes, easy integration Slightly lower deliverability rates compared to traditional services, higher initial costs Agencies or businesses needing scalable infrastructure with dedicated IPs and unlimited inboxes

Conclusion: Finding Your Best Fit

So, which cold email infrastructure tool is best for you? It all boils down to what matters most for your business:

  • Choose Mailforge if you want an easy-to-use tool with robust features and are willing to pay a bit more for reliable deliverability.

  • Opt for Infraforge if you need maximum control over your email deliverability with dedicated IPs and are prepared for a higher initial investment.

  • Go with Mailscale if you need high scalability and cost-efficiency for large-scale email outreach.

  • Consider Maildoso if you want an all-in-one solution that simplifies setup and management without requiring technical expertise.

  • Pick Inframail if you’re an agency or business looking for unlimited inboxes, dedicated IPs, and easy integration with email tools.

Think about your specific needs, budget, and the level of control you want over your email infrastructure. Each tool has its unique strengths, and the right choice will depend on what aligns best with your cold email strategy.

Frank Bacon