Mailreef Review: 5 Pros and Cons To Know Before Investing

Frank Bacon
September 10, 2024
5 min read
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Are you an SDR, B2B business, or marketing agency looking to scale your cold email infrastructure without burning a hole in your pocket?

If yes, keep reading because this Mailreef review will walk you through everything—from its setup costs to deliverability and what makes it a hit or miss for businesses like yours.

Scaling cold email infrastructure can be challenging, and making the wrong choice can waste both time and resources. That’s where I come in to help you decide if Mailreef is the right fit for you.

Here's what you'll learn in this blog:

  • ✅ What Mailreef is and how it actually works.
  • ✅ The 5 things users liked about Mailreef and the 5 things they didn’t.
  • ✅ A breakdown of Mailreef's pricing to see if it’s a cost-effective choice.
  • ✅ And a fair comparison of Mailreef with other alternatives like Infraforge, which might offer the same or even better results at a lower cost.

By the end of this review, you’ll have all the insights on how to scale your cold email efforts from 50 to 500 accounts with Mailreef or consider other options that could save you a lot more money for the same job done. Let’s get started!

What is Mailreef?

Mailreef is a cold email infrastructure tool that enables users to scale unlimited email mailboxes quickly. It offers features like 1-click domain and mailbox creation, automatic SPF, DKIM, and DMARC setup, unlimited inboxes, dedicated IP addresses, spam screening, and integration with cold email tools, all designed to enhance deliverability and streamline cold email outreach. 

This image shows the dashboard of Mailreef

Features of Mailreef

Now, let’s dive into what makes Mailreef stand out. Here’s a breakdown of its key features:

  • 1-Click Domain and Mailbox Creation: You can create domains and mailboxes instantly without going through complicated steps. Just a click, and you’re set! This is perfect when you need to quickly scale up your cold email campaigns and manage multiple accounts.

  • Automatic SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Setup: These are essential for ensuring your emails land in the inbox rather than the spam folder. With Mailreef, these settings are automatically configured for each mailbox you create. This saves you from the headache of doing it manually and increases your chances of higher deliverability rates.

  • Unlimited Free Inboxes: Yes, you read that right! Mailreef allows you to create unlimited inboxes, which can be a game-changer if you’re handling multiple campaigns. No more worrying about running out of mailbox slots or paying extra for additional inboxes.

  • Dedicated IP Address: Having a dedicated IP address can significantly improve your email deliverability. Unlike shared IPs that may be blacklisted due to other users' actions, a dedicated IP ensures your emails have a better chance of landing in the inbox.

  • Screening for Spammers: Mailreef takes spam seriously. The platform has built-in screening to ensure that your domain or IP doesn’t get flagged, keeping your sender reputation intact.

  • Integration with Cold Email Tools: If you’re already using cold email tools, Mailreef integrates seamlessly with them. This means you can easily manage your cold email outreach without having to switch between multiple platforms.

  • Programmatic Domain and Mailbox Creation via API or Zapier: For those who love automation, this feature is a treat. You can programmatically create domains and mailboxes using Zapier or Mailreef's API, which can save you countless hours if you’re scaling your campaigns.

Mailreef aims to provide a streamlined experience specifically for cold emailing. It’s built to tackle the unique challenges of scaling cold emails that traditional providers like Google or Outlook may not handle as effectively. 

If you’re tired of jumping through hoops to manage your cold email infrastructure, Mailreef could be the tool you’ve been searching for.

By choosing Mailreef, you get a solution tailored for cold emails, helping you scale efficiently and maintain high deliverability rates.

Ready to explore more? Let’s dive deeper into the pros, cons, pricing, and how Mailreef works?

How does Mailreef work?

Let's break down how Mailreef works in simple steps so you can see if it’s the right choice for scaling your cold email outreach. 

Trust me, it’s simpler than it sounds, and I’ll guide you through the process like a friend explaining over a coffee chat.

1. Setting Up Your Account 

The first step is to set up an account on Mailreef's platform. This involves signing up and accessing their dashboard, where you can manage everything. The dashboard is user-friendly and straightforward, allowing you to navigate the various options without much hassle.

2. Purchasing Domains and Creating Mailboxes 

Once you're set up, you can purchase domains directly from the Mailreef dashboard with a single click. This is particularly useful if you want to create multiple domains for cold email campaigns. 

After purchasing a domain, Mailreef allows you to create mailboxes quickly, and it automatically configures essential DNS records like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. 

This setup ensures better deliverability and reduces the chances of your emails landing in spam folders. 

3. Unlimited Mailboxes and Sending Limits: 

Mailreef promotes itself as offering "unlimited" mailboxes, which means you can create numerous mailboxes without additional costs per mailbox. 

However, it's important to note that while Mailreef advertises unlimited sending, there are caps. For example, you can send up to 100,000 emails a month. 

If you plan to send more, there’s an additional cost involved. So, while the term "unlimited" may sound appealing, it's essential to understand the practical limitations.

4. Dedicated IP Addresses for Better Control 

One of the standout features of Mailreef is the use of dedicated IP addresses for sending emails. 

This is different from shared infrastructure services like Gmail or Outlook, where your email deliverability could be affected by other users. 

With a dedicated IP, you have more control over your email reputation. However, the downside is that if you don’t manage your emails well, any negative impact is solely on you. 

5. Automation with API and Zapier Integration 

Mailreef also integrates with APIs and Zapier, allowing for automation of domain and mailbox creation. 

This is particularly beneficial for users who want to scale up without getting bogged down in manual processes. 

You can set up triggers and automate tasks, making it easier to manage a growing number of mailboxes and domains.

6. Deliverability Management and Spam Screening 

To help maintain a good sending reputation, Mailreef provides spam screening features. This helps filter out spam accounts and ensures that your email campaigns have a better chance of reaching the inbox. 

This can be a helpful feature, but like all deliverability tools, its effectiveness depends on how well it's used in practice.

Also Read: 10 Tips to Lower High Cold Email Spam Rates in 2024

7. Monitoring and Optimization 

Lastly, Mailreef provides tools for monitoring your email campaigns, such as tracking open rates and bounce rates. These metrics help you gauge how well your campaigns are performing and adjust your strategies accordingly. 

This kind of monitoring is standard among email service providers, but it's still a valuable feature for optimizing your cold email outreach.

Mailreef Pros: 5 Things User Liked About Mailreef

When considering a tool like Mailreef for scaling your cold email campaigns, it's essential to weigh the advantages and drawbacks. 

Here’s a breakdown of the 5 pros and 5 cons of using Mailreef:

1. Automatic Domain and Mailbox Creation 

Mailreef allows you to purchase domains and create mailboxes with just one click. This feature significantly reduces the time and technical effort required to set up email infrastructure, which is a huge advantage for businesses looking to scale quickly.

2. Dedicated IP Addresses 

With Mailreef, you get dedicated IP addresses for your cold email campaigns. This ensures that your email reputation is in your control, unlike shared IP services where other users' actions can affect your deliverability.

3. Integration with Automation Tools 

Mailreef supports integration with APIs and Zapier, making it possible to automate the creation of new domains and mailboxes. This level of automation is ideal for users who want to streamline their workflow and reduce manual tasks.

4. Unlimited Mailboxes 

The platform offers unlimited mailbox creation, allowing you to scale your cold email efforts without additional costs per mailbox. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses running large-scale campaigns that require multiple email accounts.

5. Built-In Spam Screening 

Mailreef includes a spam screening process that helps maintain high deliverability rates. This feature filters out potential spam accounts, helping you protect your sending reputation and ensuring your emails reach the intended inboxes.

Mailreef Cons: 5 Things Users Disliked About Mailreef

1. Hidden Limits on "Unlimited" Features 

While Mailreef markets its services as "unlimited," there are caps on certain features. For example, you can send up to 100,000 emails per month, and if you exceed this limit, additional costs apply. This can be misleading for users who expect true unlimited access.

2. Complex Pricing Structure 

Mailreef’s pricing can be confusing, especially with its combination of a flat monthly fee and a per-email cost. This may not be ideal for businesses looking for simple, transparent pricing. The additional fees for exceeding limits can add up quickly, making it less predictable.

3. Potential High Costs for Large-Scale Campaigns 

Due to its pricing model, Mailreef can become expensive if you are running very large-scale campaigns. For instance, after a certain point, you might need to spin up additional servers, which means paying the monthly fee again. This could lead to higher costs than initially anticipated.

4. Dependence on Self-Managed IP Reputation 

Having a dedicated IP address can be a double-edged sword. While it provides control, it also means that if you don’t manage your campaigns properly, you risk damaging your IP’s reputation. This could lead to lower deliverability rates and impact your campaign's effectiveness.

5. Limited to Cold Email Use Cases 

Mailreef is specifically designed for cold email campaigns, meaning it might not be as versatile for other types of cold email outreach. If you need a more comprehensive outreasch solution that handles both cold and warm emailing or other marketing tasks, Mailreef might not be the best fit.

Mailreef offers several compelling features for businesses focused on cold emailing, such as automated setup, dedicated IPs, and spam screening. However, it also comes with certain limitations, including complex pricing and hidden caps that could affect its cost-effectiveness. Weighing these pros and cons can help you decide if Mailreef aligns with your specific email outreach needs and budget.

Mailreef Pricing

Mailreef positions itself as an “unlimited” solution for scaling cold email infrastructure, but it's important to look closely at the details to understand what you're actually getting. 

This image shows the pricing of Mailreef

While the Mailreef pricing structure seems straightforward at first, there are some limitations and additional costs that you should be aware of.

Base Monthly Fee 

Mailreef starts at $249 per month for unlimited mailbox creation. This flat fee covers the basic use of the platform, including setting up multiple mailboxes and domains. 

However, this “unlimited” offering comes with certain restrictions that aren't immediately apparent.

Per-Email Sending Cost 

On top of the monthly fee, you are charged $0.001 per email sent. This might seem negligible, but if you’re sending a large volume of emails, these costs can quickly add up. 

For example, sending 100,000 emails would cost an additional $100.

Domain Costs 

Each domain purchased through Mailreef costs $19. If you're running multiple campaigns and need several domains to maintain deliverability, these costs can also stack up.

"Unlimited" Isn’t Truly Unlimited 

Although Mailreef promotes “unlimited” mailboxes and sending limits, there are actual caps. For instance:

  • Email Sending Limit: You can send up to 100,000 emails per month. Beyond that, you'll need to pay the per-email fee, and you may need to upgrade your plan if you're consistently sending more.

  • Mailbox and Domain Caps: You’re allowed a maximum of 50 domains and 200 mailboxes. If you exceed these limits, you’ll have to pay an additional $249 for another server to expand further.

So, while Mailreef advertises “unlimited” features, they are only unlimited within these boundaries.

Practical Example: Understanding Mailreef Pricing

Let’s break down a practical example to make things clearer. Imagine you run a cold email campaign where you plan to use:

  • 10 domains (each costing $19) = $190
  • 50 mailboxes (included in the base fee)
  • You send 80,000 emails in a month.

Here's how the cost would look:

  • Base Monthly Fee: $249
  • Per Email Cost for 80,000 emails: 80,000 x $0.001 = $80
  • Domain Cost for 10 domains: 10 x $19 = $190

Total Monthly Cost: $249 (base fee) + $80 (per email cost) + $190 (domain cost) = $519

Now, consider that you want to increase your scale. If you send 120,000 emails and need 60 mailboxes (exceeding the 50-domain limit), you’d need another server. That’s another $249 added to your total, plus the extra cost of 20,000 more emails:

  • Additional Cost for Server: $249
  • Per Email Cost for Extra 20,000 emails: 20,000 x $0.001 = $20

New Total Monthly Cost: $519 (initial total) + $249 (extra server) + $20 (extra emails) = $788

Mailreef offers robust tools for scaling cold email campaigns, but the pricing isn't as unlimited as it first appears. Costs can increase substantially depending on the number of emails sent and domains needed. 

If you're considering Mailreef, it's crucial to understand these hidden costs and limitations to ensure it fits within your budget and campaign needs.

Mailreef Review: Is it worth email infrastructure software?

Let's get straight to the point—is Mailreef worth it? If you’re like me, you want to make sure every dollar spent adds real value, especially when scaling your cold email campaigns.

What Mailreef Offers

  • “Unlimited” Mailboxes & Dedicated IPs: The idea of automating domain and mailbox creation with dedicated IPs sounds great. You avoid all the technical hassle, and it’s built specifically for cold emailing.

  • Automation and Integrations: With full API and Zapier integration, you can automate a lot, saving you tons of manual work.

But Here’s the Catch

  • Hidden Costs: The base fee of $249/month isn’t the whole story. Add $0.001 per email sent and $19 per domain, and costs rise quickly.

  • "Unlimited" Isn’t Really Unlimited: You can send up to 100,000 emails per month, and you're limited to 50 domains and 200 mailboxes. Exceed these, and you’ll need to pay more.

Is It Worth It?

If you’re running a smaller campaign and don’t mind the extra costs, Mailreef could still work for you. It does simplify many tasks and gives you control over deliverability.

A Better Mailreef Alternative?

Infraforge offers similar features—dedicated IPs, easy setup—but with a clear and straightforward pricing model. Starting at $4 per mailbox, no hidden fees, and no confusing limits. If you want something simple and cost-effective, Infraforge might be the smarter choice. 

This image shows the user review of Infraforge in G2

Bottom Line: Mailreef is powerful but potentially pricey. If you value simplicity and transparency, give Infraforge a look. It could save you money and make managing your cold email campaigns a breeze. Let me show you how. 

Infraforge: A smart alternative to Mailreef 

Infraforge is a private email infrastructure service that offers dedicated IPs, meaning you’re not sharing your email reputation with other users. Think of it like owning your own house rather than renting an apartment—everything that happens is under your control. 

This image shows the dashboard of Infraforge

This level of control is crucial if you’re serious about keeping your emails out of the spam folder and maintaining high deliverability rates.

How Infraforge Stands Out in Pricing

While Mailreef and Infraforge offer similar features, such as dedicated IPs, automated setup, and easy domain creation, Infraforge is the clear winner when it comes to pricing. Let’s break it down:

  • Domain Cost: Infraforge charges $13 per domain per year, which is significantly lower than Mailreef’s $19 per domain.

  • Mailbox Cost: You’ll pay between $2.5 to $4 per mailbox per month with Infraforge. Compare this to Mailreef’s base price of $249 per month, plus additional per-email costs, and it’s easy to see how Infraforge is more budget-friendly.
This image shows the pricing of Infraforge

For Example

To put this into perspective, let’s say you need to set up 3 domains and 10 email accounts:


  • Domain Cost: 3 domains x $13/year = $39/year
  • Mailbox Cost: 10 accounts x $3.3/month = $33/month or $396/year
  • Total Annual Cost: $435/year


  • Domain Cost: 3 domains x $19 = $57/year
  • Base Monthly Fee: $249/month
  • Per-Email Cost: Let’s assume you send 80,000 emails per month, which adds $80/month to your cost.
  • Total Annual Cost: $249 x 12 + $57 + $80 x 12 = $4,065/year

As you can see, Infraforge offers a much more cost-effective solution, especially for businesses that are mindful of their budget but still need robust email infrastructure.

Why Infraforge Might Be the Better Choice

If you’re looking for a straightforward, transparent pricing model without the hidden costs or complex pricing tiers that Mailreef presents, Infraforge is a solid alternative. You still get all the essential features—dedicated IPs, automated setup, and full control over your email campaigns—but at a fraction of the cost. 

This image shows the dashboard of Infraforge

Plus, with Infraforge, you avoid the limitations and caps that Mailreef imposes. You can scale your email infrastructure according to your needs without worrying about extra fees or hitting arbitrary limits. 

Infraforge vs Mailreef

Feature Infraforge Mailreef
Pricing Model $2.5 to $4 per mailbox per month $249/month + $0.001 per email sent
Domain Cost $13 per domain per year $19 per domain
Setup Time Quick setup with automated DNS and SPF/DKIM Automated, but requires understanding limits
Dedicated IPs Yes, full control over IP reputation Yes, full control over IP reputation
Mailbox Creation Unlimited, pay per mailbox Unlimited, within specific server limits
Email Sending Limits No specific limits; scale as needed 100,000 emails per month cap
Automation API and Zapier integration API and Zapier integration
Transparency in Pricing Clear and straightforward Complex, with hidden costs
Additional Costs None for scaling within chosen plans Extra costs for more servers and sending limits
Ideal For Budget-conscious businesses looking for scalability and control Larger campaigns needing automated scaling, but willing to pay more

Infraforge provides a budget-friendly alternative to Mailreef, offering the same core features but with simpler, more transparent pricing. 

If you’re looking to scale your cold email campaigns without breaking the bank, Infraforge might just be the better option. It’s a solution that gives you full control, robust security, and reliable deliverability—all at a price point that’s easier on your wallet.


Choosing the right email infrastructure depends on your specific needs and budget. If you’re looking for a cost-effective and straightforward solution, Infraforge stands out with its clear pricing and control over your email reputation, thanks to dedicated IPs and easy setup. 

It’s ideal for businesses that want to scale their cold email campaigns without hidden costs.

On the other hand, Mailreef offers powerful automation and unlimited mailbox creation, but its pricing model can get expensive due to hidden fees and limits on sending and domains. 

It might be better suited for businesses with higher budgets that prioritize automation over cost transparency.

Ultimately, for those who want a robust solution without breaking the bank, Infraforge provides a better balance between features and affordability.

Frank Bacon