Reschedule Meeting Email: 11 Templates + 3 Best Practices To Follow

Iga Wójtowicz
October 16, 2024
5 min read
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Ever found yourself in a situation where you had to reschedule a meeting but weren’t sure how to do it politely?

I get it—it’s awkward and can even feel unprofessional if not handled correctly. 

But here's the thing: crafting a good reschedule meeting email isn’t just about shifting dates and times. 

It’s about maintaining strong communication and ensuring your email doesn’t end up ignored or, worse, marked as spam.

Imagine this—you're trying to build trust with clients or colleagues, but a poorly written email could hurt your reputation. 

Trust me, I’ve been there, and it’s not fun. 

That’s why rescheduling meetings the right way is so important, especially when it comes to email deliverability.

In this blog, I’ll show you polite ways to ask for a rescheduled meeting

I’ll walk you through formal, casual, and even participant unavailability reschedule email examples and templates you can use immediately.

If you skip this guide, you might miss out on the chance to learn how personalized, professional emails can boost your engagement and reputation. 

Stick with me, and by the end, you’ll have everything you need to send the perfect reschedule email.

Let’s get started!

Why do you Need to Reschedule Meeting Emails?

Sometimes, meetings don’t go as planned. Meetings get scheduled, but then something always seems to come up. 

I’ve been there myself, having to reschedule last minute due to unexpected conflicts. It’s not fun, but when done right, it can actually strengthen relationships rather than harm them. 

So, why is rescheduling a meeting so important? Let me walk you through it based on my own experience.

Common Reasons to Reschedule a Meeting

When it comes to rescheduling, there are some common reasons that you and I might face, and trust me, they happen to everyone:

  • Schedule Conflicts: This is probably the most common reason. You think you’re free, but suddenly another important meeting overlaps or a deadline moves up unexpectedly. 

I’ve had this happen multiple times when juggling projects, and sometimes there’s just no avoiding it.

  • Sickness: No one can predict when they’ll get sick. I remember one time when I woke up with a terrible cold on the day of a big meeting. I had to send a reschedule email, and although I felt bad, it was the only responsible choice.
  • Unavailability of Key Participants: Sometimes, the most important people for the meeting aren’t available. Maybe a decision-maker or expert can’t attend, and without them, the meeting loses its purpose. 

Importance of Timely Communication

So why does it matter how quickly you communicate the need to reschedule? Timely communication is key for maintaining professionalism and trust. 

Think of it like this: If you were looking forward to a meeting only to find out 10 minutes before it’s canceled, how would you feel? 

Frustrated, right?

Here’s why timely communication is important:

  • Respect for Others’ Time: By letting people know early, you’re showing that you respect their schedule. Colleagues and clients appreciate being informed in advance so they can plan their time better.
  • Building Trust: Being proactive about rescheduling shows that you’re responsible and reliable. 
  • Professionalism: It’s a small act, but being clear and timely when you need to reschedule helps you maintain a professional image. Whether it’s with coworkers or clients, it’s a sign that you take commitments seriously.

Key Takeaways

When life throws you a curveball, rescheduling a meeting isn’t the end of the world. It’s how you handle it that matters. I’ve been in situations where timely communication saved relationships, and in the end, everyone appreciated the effort. 

So next time you find yourself needing to reschedule, remember:

  • Act quickly and be clear.
  • Explain the reason briefly but professionally.
  • Offer alternative dates so that the meeting can still happen without too much delay.

Rescheduling emails isn’t just about moving a date. They’re about showing respect, and professionalism, and ensuring that everyone feels valued.

Must Read: 45+ Cold Email Deliverability Checklist Based On Google Latest Guidelines [2024] 🔥

How to Write a Polite Reschedule Meeting Email?

Writing a polite and professional email can make the whole process smoother. Let’s break it down step by step so you can handle it easily.

What Should Be in the Subject Line?

The first thing your recipient will see is the subject line, so it’s important to keep it clear and to the point. You don’t want to be vague, but you also don’t need to over-explain. Here are some quick tips:

  • Keep it concise: Use phrases like "Request to Reschedule Meeting."
  • Be clear: Avoid ambiguous or unclear subject lines.
This image shows the Email showing subject line: "Request to Reschedule Our Project Review Meeting."
  • Make it easy to read: Ensure it gives the recipient a heads-up without overwhelming them.

A clear subject line can increase the chances of your email being opened quickly.

Apologizing Professionally for Rescheduling

Now, the key to rescheduling is offering a sincere apology. You don’t have to go overboard, but a simple acknowledgment of the inconvenience goes a long way. Keep these in mind:

  • Start with a polite apology: “I apologize for the change in schedule.”
  • Be considerate: Acknowledge the inconvenience without over-explaining.
  • Keep it professional but friendly.

This shows that you respect their time and understand the inconvenience. Keeping it professional but friendly makes the apology feel genuine without making it too formal.

How to Suggest a New Time?

After the apology, the next step is suggesting new meeting times. To make it easier for the other person, offer multiple options:

  • Provide two or three-time options: “Would you be available on Tuesday or Thursday at 10 AM?”
  • Ask for their preference: “Please let me know if another time works better for you.”
This image shows the Email body requesting to reschedule a meeting to October 6th at 10:00 AM.
  • Show flexibility: This makes it easier for them to pick a convenient time.

Offering choices shows that you're being considerate and flexible, making it easier to reschedule smoothly.

How to Maintain a Professional Tone?

Finally, the tone of your email should be respectful and professional. You're asking for their time again, so it’s important to show appreciation for their flexibility. Use these tips:

  • Be polite: Phrases like “I understand if this time is not convenient” show respect.
  • Express gratitude: “Thank you for your understanding.”
  • Keep it brief and polite: Don’t over-explain; stick to the point.

Keeping your email short, direct, and respectful is the best way to ensure a smooth rescheduling process.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to write a polite and effective reschedule meeting email, with clarity, sincerity, and professionalism.

10+ Sample Emails for Rescheduling a Meeting

When life or work gets in the way of a scheduled meeting, the right approach is to reschedule promptly and clearly. 

Whether you're reaching out for formal business meetings, casual internal team meetings, or to accommodate someone’s availability, the right tone is crucial. 

Below are examples to guide you in different scenarios.

1. Formal Reschedule Email Meeting Example

This email is best used when you need to reschedule a professional or business meeting.

Subject: Request to Reschedule Meeting on [Day]

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well. Unfortunately, I need to reschedule our meeting set for [original date/time]. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I am available on [proposed date/time]. Please let me know if this works for you or if you have another suggestion.

Looking forward to your confirmation.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

2. Casual Reschedule Email Meeting Example

For more informal settings, like internal team meetings, a relaxed tone works well.

Subject: Need to Shift Our Meeting

Hey [Recipient’s Name],

I’m sorry, but I need to push our meeting planned for [original date/time]. Could we reschedule to [proposed date/time]? Let me know what suits you best!

[Your Name]

3. Email for Rescheduling Due to Participant Unavailability

When the meeting can’t proceed because key attendees are unavailable, address the situation clearly.

Subject: Rescheduling Due to Team Availability

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

It seems some participants are unavailable for our scheduled meeting on [original date/time]. Can we look at [proposed date/time] instead? Please confirm if this works or suggest another time that fits everyone’s calendar.

Thank you,
[Your Name]

4. Reschedule Due to Overlapping Commitments

This email addresses overlapping meetings or commitments without going into unnecessary details.

Subject: Request to Move Our Meeting

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I realized I have another commitment at the time of our meeting on [Original Date]. Would it be possible to reschedule for [New Date/Time]?

Please let me know if this works for you, or suggest another convenient time.

Thanks so much,
[Your Name]

5. Short-Notice Reschedule Request

When you need to reschedule with little notice, ensure you're considerate of the recipient's time.

Subject: Urgent: Request to Reschedule Today’s Meeting

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

Something urgent has come up, and I won’t be able to make our meeting today. Could we move it to [proposed date/time]? I understand this is short notice, and I appreciate your flexibility.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
[Your Name]

6. Rescheduling Due to Personal Reasons

Sometimes personal circumstances require a meeting to be shifted.

Subject: Request to Reschedule Our Meeting Due to an Emergency

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope you're doing well. I need to reschedule our meeting on [original date/time] due to a personal emergency. Could we move it to [proposed date/time] instead?

Thank you for understanding.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

7. Follow-Up to Reschedule Request

If you haven't received a response to your initial request, a follow-up might be needed.

Subject: Following Up on Reschedule Request

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I wanted to follow up on my previous message regarding rescheduling our meeting on [original date/time]. Could we confirm [proposed date/time], or is there another time that works better for you?

Looking forward to your response.

[Your Name]

8. Request for Availability Before Rescheduling

When unsure of the other person’s availability, ask for their open times.

Subject: Checking Your Availability for Reschedule

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I’m reaching out to reschedule our meeting on [original date/time]. Could you let me know your availability over the next few days? I’ll do my best to accommodate.

Thank you,
[Your Name]

9. Propose Multiple Times for Rescheduling

Offering options can make it easier for the recipient to choose.

Subject: Suggesting New Times for Our Meeting

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I need to reschedule our meeting set for [original date/time]. I’m available at the following times: [Option 1], [Option 2], or [Option 3]. Please let me know which one works best for you.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

10. Rescheduling with Apology for Inconvenience

When rescheduling might cause an inconvenience, it's good to acknowledge it.

Subject: Apologies – Need to Reschedule Our Meeting

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I regret to inform you that I need to reschedule our meeting on [original date/time] due to unforeseen circumstances. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Could we move it to [proposed date/time]?

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

11. Rescheduling Due to Overlap with Another Meeting

In case of overlapping meetings, this template helps convey professionalism.

Subject: Overlap Issue – Request to Reschedule

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I have a meeting that overlaps with [original date/time]. Could we move our session to [proposed date/time]? I appreciate your flexibility and understanding.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

These examples cover a range of situations, giving you the flexibility to communicate effectively and politely. Whether it's formal business meetings or casual team check-ins, you’ll be prepared to reschedule gracefully!

How to Ensure Maximum Deliverability for Reschedule Meeting Emails

Have you ever sent a rescheduled meeting email, only to find out it landed in the spam folder? I know how frustrating that can be. 

Let's explore some simple steps you and I can take to make sure our emails reach the right inbox.

Avoid Spam Triggers in Subject Lines

First, let's talk about subject lines. Certain words can make email filters think your message is spam. Words like "free," "urgent," "act now," or using too many exclamation points can cause problems. To avoid this, we can:

  • Use Clear and Simple Language: Keep the subject line straightforward and to the point.
  • Avoid Spammy Words: Stay away from common trigger words that might flag your email.
  • Limit Punctuation: Use exclamation points sparingly to maintain professionalism.

For example, instead of writing "URGENT!!! Free Offer to Reschedule Meeting," you might write "Request to Reschedule Our Meeting on Monday." This way, we're avoiding trigger words and making our email look genuine.

By the way, if you're finding it challenging to craft subject lines that both avoid spam triggers and engage the recipient, tools like Salesforge can be a real help. Salesforge uses advanced AI to optimize your subject lines, ensuring they are effective and deliverable.

Personalization for Better Engagement

Next, adding a personal touch can make a big difference. When you personalize an email, it shows the recipient that you care. I usually include the person's name and maybe mention something we talked about before. Here are some tips:

  • Address Them by Name: Start your email with their first name to grab attention.
  • Reference Past Interactions: Mention a previous meeting or conversation.
  • Tailor the Message: Customize the content to fit their interests or needs.

So, instead of starting with "Dear Sir/Madam," you could write, "Hi Maria, I hope you're doing well after our last discussion." This makes your email feel more friendly and increases the chances they'll read and respond to it.

Salesforge's Overdrive AI Personalization elevates customization by crafting emails that are highly relevant to each recipient.

This image shows the Email sequence builder with personalized subject lines and variables.

Salesforge allows you to send bulk emails that still feel like one-on-one conversations.

Email Warm-up Tips

Lastly, let's discuss warming up your email. If you're using a new email account, sending too many emails at once can look suspicious to email providers. To prevent this, we can:

  • Start Slowly: Begin by sending emails to a small group of contacts.
  • Gradually Increase Volume: Slowly raise the number of emails you send over time.
  • Engage with Replies: Respond promptly to any replies to build credibility.
Related Read: How to Send an Email to Multiple Recipients Individually? [3 Proven Methods You Need To Know] 💡
This image shows the Warmup email settings with configurable email volume and reply rate.

By warming up your email, you reduce the risk of your messages being marked as spam.

Salesforge AI Warm-up feature gradually increases your sending volume, building your sender reputation and improving deliverability. 

3 Best Practices for Reschedule Meeting Emails

Have you ever needed to reschedule a meeting and felt unsure about how to communicate it properly? I've been there too. Let's go through some best practices to help you handle this situation smoothly.

1. Personalize Without Overdoing It

You want your email to feel personal, but it's important not to go overboard. Striking the right balance between personalization and professionalism is key.

  • Address Them by Name: Start your email with their name to make it personal.
  • Mention the Specific Meeting: Reference the meeting you're rescheduling to show you value their time.
  • Keep It Professional: Avoid sharing too much personal information or using overly casual language.
  • Express Appreciation: Thank them for their understanding to maintain a positive tone.

By following these steps, you ensure your message is friendly yet professional.

2. Test Your Emails Before Sending

Have you thought about testing your emails before you send them? A/B testing your subject lines and content can really improve how often your emails are opened and replied to.

  • Try Different Subject Lines: For example, test "Rescheduling Our Meeting" versus "Need to Reschedule Our 3 PM Meeting on Thursday."
  • Experiment with Email Content: See which wording gets better responses.
  • Analyze the Results: Look at open rates and reply rates to see what works best.

By testing different versions, you can learn what resonates with your audience and increase the chances that they'll read and respond to your email.

3. Timing Your Reschedule Email

Timing your rescheduled email right away helps ensure it has the maximum impact.

  • Send During Business Hours: Aim for times when the person is likely checking their inbox.
  • Avoid Off-Peak Times: Don't send emails early in the morning, late at night, or on weekends.
  • Consider Time Zones: If they're in a different time zone, adjust accordingly.

By choosing the best time to send your email, you increase the likelihood that it'll be seen and that you'll get a prompt response.

 What Not to Do When Rescheduling Emails?

Rescheduling an email might seem like a simple task, but there are some common pitfalls that you and I should avoid. Let's dive into what not to do when rescheduling emails to make sure our messages are clear and effective.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

First, let's look at some mistakes that can cause confusion or frustration:

  • Sending last-minute rescheduled emails without explanation.

Have you ever received a sudden email change without any reason? 

It can be puzzling. When you need to reschedule at the last minute, always include a brief explanation. This helps the person on the other end understand why the change is happening.

  • Using unclear or vague subject lines.

If the subject line doesn't clearly state what's inside, the recipient might ignore it or misunderstand its importance. Make sure your subject line is specific, like "Rescheduled Meeting for Monday at 10 AM," so they know exactly what to expect.

Ensuring Your Emails Don’t Land in Spam

Nobody wants their important emails to end up in the spam folder. Here’s how we can prevent that:

  • Avoiding too many reschedules for the same email thread.
    Constantly changing plans can be frustrating and might trigger spam filters. Try to minimize the number of times you reschedule. If you must make multiple changes, consider starting a new email thread to keep things organized.
  • Use bullet points.
    Bullet points make your email easier to read and understand. They highlight key information and help the recipient quickly grasp the important details. 

For example:

  • New meeting date and time: Monday at 10 AM
  • Location: Conference Room B
  • Agenda items to discuss

By following these simple guidelines, you and I can ensure our rescheduled emails are clear, professional, and well-received.

Conclusion: Reschedule Meeting Email

Rescheduling a meeting might seem tricky, but with the right approach, it doesn’t have to be. You and I both know that how you communicate makes all the difference.

  • Whether it’s a formal business meeting or a quick internal catch-up, sending a well-crafted email shows professionalism and respect.
  • The goal is to keep it polite, clear, and personal while ensuring your emails are opened and not ignored.

Sure, you could go with standard email platforms like Gmail or Outlook for simple rescheduling. They work fine for small tasks, but they come with limitations like manual effort, lack of advanced features, and potential delivery issues. 

If you’re rescheduling meetings regularly or working with a large team, you’ll quickly notice these shortcomings.

Salesforge, on the other hand, takes email outreach to another level. It combines AI-driven personalization with scalable automation, making it easier for you to reach a larger audience without losing that one-on-one feel. 

With features like Overdrive AI for crafting personalized content and AI warm-up to boost deliverability, Salesforge ensures your emails stand out and land in the right place—inbox, not spam. 

Advantages of Using Salesforge:

  • Advanced AI Personalization: Every email feels like it’s custom-written, even when you’re sending at scale.
  • Unlimited Mailboxes and Contacts: No need to worry about limits; Salesforge can handle as many reschedules as you need.
  • AI Warm-up: Keeps your sender reputation strong, so your emails land in inboxes, not spam.
  • Seamless Automation: Save time and stay professional with automated, customized email workflows.

If you’re serious about improving how you reschedule meetings—and want to keep it easy and efficient—why not explore Salesforge?

With all these tools at your fingertips, you can make your emails stand out. 

Who knows? Your next big business win might just be one perfectly timed reschedule email away!

Start your free trial today!.

Iga Wójtowicz
Content & Community Manager