In-depth Saleshandy Review [2024]: 5 Pros and Cons To Know Before Buying

Ibrahim Mohammed
September 2, 2024
5 min read
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So, you’re looking into a Saleshandy review to see if it’s the right tool for your cold email campaigns. Let’s explore together and see if it truly delivers what you need.

Saleshandy promises a straightforward interface, seamless email tracking, and the ability to manage your outreach with ease. 

But what’s the real experience? 

Are users satisfied, or are there underlying issues that you should be aware of? 🧐

Before you make your decision, it’s important to dive deeper into what Saleshandy actually offers.

💣 What features does Saleshandy bring to the table? 

💣 How do real users feel about its performance in everyday use? 

💣 And the big question—does it fulfill its promises, or is there a better alternative out there?

In this Saleshandy review, I’ll guide you through all aspects of Saleshandy, covering its features, pricing, pros, and cons. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of whether Saleshandy is the right fit for your cold email strategy, or if you should consider other options.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in and see what Saleshandy is all about.

But first, let’s take a quick look at what Saleshandy aims to offer and how it positions itself in the market.

What is a Saleshandy?

Saleshandy is a tool that’s designed to help manage cold email campaigns more efficiently. If you’re handling a lot of outreach, as many of us do, it provides a straightforward way to keep track of who’s engaging with your emails. 

The ease of setup is one of its strong points, especially when time is tight, and you need to get things moving quickly.

What stands out about Saleshandy is its ability to show you who’s interested. By tracking email opens and clicks, it gives you a clearer picture of who to focus on. This can be incredibly useful when you’re trying to allocate your time and resources more effectively.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that SalesHandy isn’t without its limitations. While it handles basic email tracking and automation well, it doesn’t offer the more advanced features or deep integrations that some other tools provide. 

If your needs are more sophisticated, you might find it lacking in certain areas.

Let’s put this into perspective with a quick example. Say you’re managing a small team and need a straightforward solution for your email outreach. With SalesHandy, you can get started quickly and track your progress without needing a complex setup. But, if your team grows or your needs become more sophisticated, you might start to feel the limitations of the platform.

On the positive side, the user-friendly interface makes it easy to set up drip campaigns, which is particularly beneficial for those who are new to email marketing. It’s a practical, cost-effective option that covers the essentials. 

How to Set up Saleshandy? 

First, log in to your Saleshandy account using your email and password to access the dashboard. 

Once you're in, the next step is to connect your email account. 

You can do this by going to Settings > Email Accounts and choosing your email provider.

This image shows how email accounts are set up in Saleshandy

If you're using Google or Microsoft accounts, follow the native integration process. Be sure to grant all the necessary permissions; otherwise, the connection won't be successful.

For those using SMTP/IMAP, make sure you enable IMAP, set up two-step verification, and create an app password. These steps are crucial to ensure your emails are sent without issues.

Don’t skip setting up your DNS records—SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. These records are essential for making sure your emails land in the recipients' inboxes instead of the spam folder. You’ll need to access your domain’s DNS manager to add the necessary TXT records.

You might also want to consider setting up a custom tracking domain. This is optional but highly recommended for accurate tracking of email opens and clicks.

Next, add your email signature by navigating to Settings > Email Accounts and entering your personalized signature. This step gives your emails a professional touch.

creating signature in Saleshandy
Creating Email Signature on Saleshandy

If you’re on a paid plan, enable email warm-up using TrulyInbox. This tool helps improve your email deliverability by gradually increasing your daily sending limits. 

Finally, adjust your sending settings. Set a limit on daily emails and ensure there’s a proper interval between sends to avoid spam filters. 

email account setting in Saleshandy
Setting up Email Account on Saleshandy

This small step can make a big difference in your outreach success.

Setting up time interval between two emails in Saleshandy
Setting up time interval between two emails in Saleshandy

With everything set up, you’re ready to start sending effective email campaigns through Saleshandy. Take your time with these steps to ensure smooth and successful email outreach.

Key Features of Saleshandy

Saleshandy is packed with features designed to simplify and enhance cold email outreach. In this section, I'll break down the key features that stand out, offering insights into how they can benefit anyone looking to improve their email campaigns.

Let's dive into what features Saleshandy offers for cold outreach.

1. Automated Email Sequences for Consistent Outreach:

Creating sequences in Saleshandy
Creating Email Sequences in Saleshandy

Saleshandy offers a straightforward way to automate cold email outreach. Users can set up sequences that send emails at specific intervals, ensuring consistent follow-up

This feature is particularly useful when nurturing leads over time, as it keeps the conversation going without manual intervention. 

However, setting up these sequences could be more intuitive, as the interface sometimes feels clunky, especially when dealing with more complex workflows.

2. Auto Follow-up Emails Based on Recipient Behavior:

A/B Testing in Saleshandy
A/B Testing in Saleshandy

Saleshandy excels in automating follow-up emails, which are triggered based on how recipients interact with the initial email—whether they open it, click a link, or don’t respond. 

This feature is particularly useful for keeping leads engaged without requiring manual intervention. However, the flexibility in customizing these follow-ups could be enhanced to allow more precise control over timing and content.

3. Manage Multiple Accounts Easily with the Unified Inbox:

Email Inbox in Saleshandy
Unified Email Inbox in Saleshandy

For those managing multiple email accounts, Saleshandy’s Unified Inbox is a helpful feature. It brings all email interactions into a single dashboard, making it easier to keep track of conversations. 

This is particularly useful for managing client communications or large-scale outreach campaigns.

4. Find the Right Prospects with Advanced Lead Finder:

Lead finder in Saleshandy
Lead Finder in Saleshandy

Saleshandy’s Lead Finder tool gives you access to a massive database of potential leads, which you can filter by industry, role, and location to zero in on your target audience. 

This feature is ideal for quickly building a prospect list, though the accuracy of the data can sometimes be hit or miss, with some contacts being outdated or incorrect.

5. Customize Your Processes with Flexible API Access:

creating API keys in Saleshandy
Creating API Key
API Key Dashboard in Saleshandy
API Key Dashboard in Saleshandy

For users who need more control, Saleshandy’s API access offers the ability to customize and automate processes to fit specific business needs.

This feature is ideal for creating tailored workflows based on lead behavior, but it does require some technical expertise to implement effectively. 

If you have the know-how, it’s a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your email marketing strategy.

6. Track Your Email Performance with Real-Time Insights:

Email Performance Tracker in Saleshandy
Email Performance Tracker in Saleshandy

Understanding how your emails perform is crucial, and Saleshandy’s email tracker provides real-time data on who opened and clicked your emails.

This feature helps you tweak your approach based on what’s working and what isn’t.

Let’s put this into perspective with a quick example, if I see that a particular email has a high open rate but low clicks, I know to adjust the call to action. The tracker integrates seamlessly with my email sequences, giving me a comprehensive view of each campaign’s performance. 

Saleshandy Pros: 5 Things Users Liked About Saleshandy

Users Appreciate the Ease of Setting Up Emails

Saleshandy’s interface is designed to be straightforward, making it easy to set up email sequences and manage campaigns efficiently. This simplicity is especially helpful for beginners or those who prefer a hassle-free experience. 

Saleshandy review on G2
Source: G2

With everything laid out, one can focus more on writing effective emails and less on navigating the software.

Managing Multiple Accounts 

The Unified Inbox keeps all email communications organized in one place, making it easy to manage multiple accounts seamlessly. 

Instead of bouncing between different platforms, they can keep all their email accounts organized in one place. 

Saleshandy review on G2
Source: G2

This has been especially helpful for those running multiple campaigns at the same time. It’s just one less thing to worry about when trying to stay on top of everything.

The Email Warm-up Feature

By gradually increasing the number of emails sent, users have seen improvement in getting their messages into inboxes instead of spam folders. It’s a simple process that just works, and people appreciate not having to stress over deliverability as much.

It’s effective, but the process can feel slow, especially if you’re eager to ramp up a new campaign quickly.

Prospecting Through Lead Finder

The Lead Finder tool is generally well-received for making prospecting quicker by filtering contacts by industry, role, and location.

Saleshandy lead finder review
Saleshandy review on lead finder

This feature is valuable for targeting the right audience efficiently. However, it’s important to verify the accuracy of the data because the data isn’t always up-to-date. 

While it saves time, you might still need to spend a few extra minutes verifying the leads to ensure they’re accurate.

Email Tracking and Analytics

The email tracking and analytics feature is something many users rely on to fine-tune their campaigns.

Users like knowing who’s opening emails and clicking links, but some have mentioned that the reporting could be more detailed.

Saleshandy Cons: 5 Things Users Disliked About Saleshandy

Struggling with Email Deliverability

A lot of users are unhappy with Saleshandy’s email deliverability. Despite the hype, emails often end up in spam folders, which can seriously damage your domain reputation.  Watch this video to improve your deliverability.

Using a third-party tool for email warm-ups only made things worse, causing a big drop in open rates and nearly ruining users domain’s credibility.

Look what Daniel K. has to say in his review:

Saleshandy review on G2
Saleshandy review on G2

While Saleshandy struggles with email deliverability, often sending messages straight to spam, Salesforge excels by using advanced AI to optimize deliverability from the start, ensuring your emails land in inboxes where they belong. 

Frustration with Lack of CRM Integrations

Many users are frustrated by the lack of CRM and marketing tool integrations. Saleshandy seems to operate in its own little world, without connecting to the other tools that businesses rely on. 

Even when they roll out “upgrades,” they’re mostly superficial, focusing on the interface rather than fixing these major gaps. This leaves users doing a lot of manual work that should be automated.

Customer Support That Leaves You Hanging

If there’s one thing that really gets under users’ skin, it’s Saleshandy’s customer support—or lack thereof. Once you’ve paid up, getting help is a real challenge. 

Saleshandy review on customer support
Saleshandy review on customer support

It’s especially frustrating when the software isn’t working as advertised, and you’re left hanging without any real assistance.

Buggy Software

Saleshandy has a reputation for being buggy, and users have plenty of stories to share. Some have found emails just sitting in drafts instead of being sent, while others have seen email tracking results that make no sense, like showing an email was opened hundreds of times. 

These glitches can be a real headache.

Questionable Business Practices

Some users have had a really tough time with Saleshandy’s business practices. There are reports of the company refusing to honor refund policies and even continuing to charge users after they’ve canceled their subscriptions. 

Saleshandy Pricing Demystified

Let's dive into Saleshandy’s pricing to see what you’re getting for your money.

Saleshandy pricing
Saleshandy pricing

Outreach Starter Plan – Costs $36 a Month

Saleshandy - Outreach Starter Plan

The Outreach Starter plan is priced at $36 a month. Here’s what you get:

  • Send up to 6,000 emails a month.
  • Manage 2,000 prospects.
  • Connect unlimited email accounts, but only three per sequence.

It’s designed for beginners, but it feels restrictive quickly. If your prospect list grows, you’ll need to upgrade. That means more money out of your pocket as you scale.

Outreach Pro Plan – Costs $99 a Month

Saleshandy - Outreach Pro Plan

The Outreach Pro plan costs $99 a month. It offers:

  • Everything in the Starter plan.
  • Manage 30,000 prospects.
  • Send 100,000 emails a month.
  • Unlimited team members.
  • Integrations with Salesforce, Zapier, and more.
  • 4,000 email verification credits.

This plan is more robust, but it’s also more expensive. If you’re just starting out or managing a small team, you might find you’re paying for features you don’t really need.

Outreach Scale Plan – Costs $199 a Month

Saleshandy - Outreach Scale Plan

The Outreach Scale plan will set you back $199 a month. Here’s what it includes:

  • Everything in the Pro plan.
  • Manage 60,000 prospects.
  • Send 200,000 emails a month.
  • 12,000 email verification credits.
  • Connect up to 50 email accounts per sequence.

This plan is for businesses scaling up, but the cost might outweigh the benefits, especially if you don’t fully utilize the prospect and email limits.

Outreach Scale Plus Plan – Costs $299 a Month

Saleshandy - Outreach Plus Plan

The Outreach Scale Plus plan costs $299 a month. You’ll get:

  • Everything in the Scale plan.
  • Manage 100,000 prospects.
  • Send 300,000 emails a month.
  • 35,000 email verification credits.
  • A dedicated success manager.

This plan is the priciest and is meant for serious outreach. But at $299 a month, it’s a big investment, and unless you’re using every feature to its max, you might wonder if it’s worth it.

Add-on Services – Costs $60 for Email Verification

Email verifier in Saleshandy
Saleshandy Email Verifier

Saleshandy also offers an email verification service for $60 to verify 30,000 recipients. This helps with deliverability, but you’ll have to spend extra for it. If you’re already shelling out for a plan, these add-ons start to add up.

Saleshandy’s plans cover a wide range, but you might find yourself paying for more than you need.

Saleshandy Review Summary: Is it worth it?

Alright, let’s dive into whether Saleshandy is truly worth your time and investment as a cold email tool. If you’re like me, you want to ensure every tool you choose helps you hit your targets without causing too many headaches. 

So, does Saleshandy meet the mark? Let’s break it down.

  • First off, Saleshandy offers a user-friendly interface that makes setting up email sequences pretty straightforward. It’s easy to get started, even if you’re new to cold emailing. However, ease of use doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best tool for the job.
  • One major concern with Saleshandy is email deliverability. You and I both know that if your emails don’t land in the inbox, your efforts are wasted. 
  • Unfortunately, Saleshandy has had some issues in this area, with users reporting that their emails often end up in spam. This is a significant drawback, especially if you rely on these emails to drive your business.
  • Pricing is another area where Saleshandy might not be the best fit for everyone. While their plans are affordable, they come with limitations. 

For example, the Outreach Starter plan caps you at 2,000 prospects and 6,000 emails per month. That might be okay if you’re just starting, but it’s not ideal if you’re looking to scale your operations.

On the bright side, Saleshandy does offer features like email warm-up and lead-finding tools. But these features aren’t always as effective as they should be. If you need any alternative - you can try

The email warm-up, for example, has been linked to issues with domain reputation, which can be a serious problem if you’re trying to maintain a clean sender reputation.

Now, if email deliverability is a top concern for you, you might want to look at alternatives like Salesforge.

Unlike Saleshandy, Salesforge provides a comprehensive suite for cold email outreach. This includes tools like for email warmups, Mailforge for efficient email management, and Infraforge for robust cold email infrastructure.

Together, these tools enhance email deliverability and include features like IP rotation to protect your email accounts from landing in spam.

This gives Salesforge a significant edge in ensuring your emails reach their intended recipients.

So, is Saleshandy worth it? 

Considering the issues with deliverability, customer support, and limitations on the lower-tier plans, I’d say it might not be the best choice. 

If you’re serious about your cold email outreach, you might want to explore options like Salesforge that offer more reliability and better results.

Salesforge: Saleshandy Alternative For Better Deliverability and Reliability 

Salesfoge - best alternative to Saleshandy

When it comes to email outreach, Salesforge offers several advantages over Saleshandy.

Let me explain why Salesforge stands out as the better choice.

Salesforge excels in deliverability. Unlike Saleshandy, which struggles to keep emails out of spam, Salesforge uses AI to optimize every step, ensuring your emails land in inboxes.

Setting up mailboxes with Salesforge is simple and cost-effective. You can save more than 50% compared to using Google Workspace. For instance, users only pay $60 for the same service that would cost $130 with Google.

Related read: Google Workspace vs Office 365: Which one is best for cold email?‍

Salesforge integrates smoothly with your existing tools. Unlike Saleshandy, which operates in isolation, Salesforge connects everything seamlessly, reducing manual work and improving efficiency.

The domain management feature in Salesforge is another highlight. It helps you manage multiple domains efficiently, reducing the risk of blacklisting and keeping your email campaigns running smoothly.

Salesforge Key Features

AI-Driven Personalization That Boosts Engagement:

Salesforge uses advanced AI to craft personalized emails at scale. This results in higher open and reply rates, making your outreach more effective. Saleshandy lacks this level of AI-driven personalization, which often leads to generic emails that fail to engage recipients.

Advance personalization in Salesforge
Advanced Email Personalization in Salesforge

Cost-Effective Mailbox Setup: Salesforge Saves You More

Salesforge allows you to set up mailboxes at a fraction of the cost compared to other platforms. To put this in perspective, what costs $130 on Google Workspace costs only $60 on Salesforge. 

Saleshandy doesn’t offer this kind of cost efficiency, making Salesforge a smarter financial choice for businesses.

Here’s how you can create unique emails from any mailbox. Join the 15-minute email masterclass now! 🔥

Seamless Integrations for a Streamlined Workflow

Salesforge integrates easily with popular CRMs and other tools, ensuring a smooth workflow. In contrast, Saleshandy often struggles with integrations, leaving users to handle tasks manually. Salesforge saves time and reduces errors by connecting all your tools seamlessly.

Efficient Domain Management via

Managing multiple domains is a breeze with Mailforge. It spreads your outreach across several domains, reducing the risk of blacklisting. Watch this video to understand what is Domain Blacklists.

Saleshandy doesn’t offer this level of domain management, which can lead to deliverability issues and campaign disruptions.

Salesforge review on G2
Salesforge review on G2

Reliable Customer Support: Salesforge Puts Users First

Salesforge offers responsive and helpful customer support, a critical feature that Saleshandy users often find lacking. 

Salesforge review on customer service
Salesforge customer service review

Quick assistance means less downtime and more productive outreach, making Salesforge the more reliable option when you need help fast.

If you're serious about scaling your email outreach, Salesforge not only provides the tools you need but also ensures they work smoothly together.

It’s a reliable, cost-effective alternative to Saleshandy that addresses many of its shortcomings.

Salesforge Pricing:

Salesforge pricing
Salesforge Pricing offers two main pricing plans designed to meet the needs of different businesses, whether you’re just starting or looking to scale your email outreach.

Pro Plan: $48 per Month (Monthly) or $40 per Month (Annually)

This plan is ideal if you’re managing a smaller list but still want to take advantage of AI-driven email campaigns. It includes:

  • 1,000 active contacts
  • 5,000 emails per month
  • Unlimited mailboxes
  • Basic live chat support

Growth Plan: $96 per Month (Monthly) or $80 per Month (Annually)

Start your 7-day free trial now 🔥

If your business needs to reach a larger audience, the Growth Plan offers more extensive features to help you scale effectively. This plan includes:

  • 10,000 active contacts
  • 50,000 emails per month
  • Unlimited mailboxes and users
  • Advanced AI models for even better personalization
  • Primebox™ for unlimited email warm-up
  • Priority support for faster assistance

With its AI-driven capabilities, seamless integrations, and flexible pricing plans, not only simplifies but also enhances your email campaigns. 

Whether you're managing a small business or scaling a larger operation, Salesforge ensures that you connect effectively with potential customers and maximize your sales potential.

Pricing Comparison: Salesforge vs. Saleshandy

Here’s a comparison table:

Feature Salesforge Pro Plan ($40/month annually) Saleshandy Outreach Starter Plan ($36/month) Salesforge Growth Plan ($80/month annually) Saleshandy Outreach Pro Plan ($99/month) Saleshandy Outreach Scale Plan ($199/month) Who is Better and Why
Emails per Month 5,000 6,000 50,000 100,000 200,000 Saleshandy offers more emails per month but at a higher cost in the Pro and Scale plans.
Active Contacts/Prospects 1,000 2,000 10,000 30,000 60,000 Saleshandy wins in active contacts, but only if you need higher limits; otherwise, Salesforge is sufficient.
Mailboxes Unlimited Unlimited (3 per sequence) Unlimited Unlimited Up to 50 per sequence Salesforge provides more flexibility with unlimited mailboxes across all plans.
Support Basic Live Chat Support Basic Support Priority Support Standard Support Dedicated Success Manager Salesforge offers better support options, especially in the Growth Plan.
AI Personalization Included Not Included Advanced AI Models Included Not Included Not Included Salesforge offers AI-driven tools, providing better value for personalized outreach.
Email Warm-up Primebox™ for Unlimited Email Warm-up Not Included Primebox™ for Unlimited Email Warm-up Not Included Not Included Salesforge includes email warm-up, enhancing deliverability without extra costs.
Additional Costs None $60 for 30,000 Email Verification None $60 for 30,000 Email Verification $60 for 30,000 Email Verification Salesforge is more cost-effective, with essential features included without hidden costs.
Plan Focus Flexibility and AI-driven tools Basic outreach, restrictive as you grow Comprehensive tools for scaling More features, but higher cost and complexity Extensive outreach, high cost, more features than needed Salesforge focuses on providing essential tools efficiently, avoiding unnecessary extras that drive up costs.

Salesforge Pro Plan ($40/month annually) vs. Saleshandy Starter Plan ($36/month):

For just $4 more, Salesforge offers you 5,000 emails, unlimited mailboxes, and powerful AI-driven tools. Saleshandy’s Starter Plan might look cheaper, but it comes with restrictions that can quickly force you to upgrade. 

If you’re serious about scaling your outreach, that $4 difference saves you a lot of headaches.

Salesforge Growth Plan ($80/month annually) vs. Saleshandy Pro Plan ($99/month):

With Salesforge’s Growth Plan, you get 50,000 emails and 10,000 contacts, plus advanced AI features—all for $19 less than Saleshandy’s Pro Plan. While Saleshandy offers more emails, the higher price doesn’t necessarily translate into better value, especially if you’re not using every feature.

No Hidden Costs with Salesforge:

Salesforge includes everything you need, like unlimited email warm-up, in its base plans. Saleshandy, on the other hand, charges you an extra $60 just for email verification. If you’re watching your budget, Salesforge’s all-inclusive approach is a big plus.

What’s the Better Deal?

If you’re sending around 5,000 emails a month, Salesforge at $40 a month gives you more value—better AI and personalization tools, no hidden costs, and room to grow. 

Saleshandy might seem cheaper upfront, but those limits and extra fees add up fast with average deliverability and personalization. 

Conclusion: Saleshandy Review

After taking a closer look at Saleshandy, it’s evident that while it offers some useful features, it falls short in crucial areas like email deliverability and flexibility. 

The limitations on lower-tier plans and the issues with emails landing in spam are significant drawbacks, especially for those who rely heavily on cold email campaigns to drive business.

On the flip side, Salesforge presents a more robust alternative. 

With features like IP rotation and better email deliverability mechanisms, Salesforge ensures your emails are more likely to reach your recipients’ inboxes, not their spam folders. Plus, the pricing structure of Salesforge provides more value for your money, especially as you scale your operations.

In short, if you’re serious about maximizing the effectiveness of your cold email outreach, Salesforge offers a more reliable and cost-effective solution. 

While Saleshandy might be a decent starting point, Salesforge is the smarter choice for those looking to achieve better results with fewer headaches.

Don’t just take my word for it—experience the difference Salesforge can make for your business. I encourage you to set up a demo or start a trial today. 

Ibrahim Mohammed
Senior CSM