Yes, we offer a 7-day free trial. We want to give you a chance to try out our service to allow you to see how can be of value to you. During your free 7-day trial of our services, you can add 10 contacts and send out 25 emails. On top of that, you also get 10 email validation credits and 9 personalization credits. During the free trial, you can connect an unlimited amount of mailboxes, allowing you to get properly started with your warm up process.
Yes. When you upgrade your subscription to a yearly subscription, you get two months on us!
No. We have made it easy for you to choose the solution that suits you the best. You can choose either a monthly or an annual subscription. The choice is yours. Don’t forget, that you get 2 months for free when you sign up for our annual subscription.
Yes, you sure can. You can easily change or upgrade your subscription at any point. Any changes will be charged on a pro-rata basis.
These are mentioned to give you a more exact idea of your total processing capacity. In connection with this, it means how many contacts you can process and how many outgoing emails you can send.
Our powerful AI technology will craft the initial email of the sequence. The standard AI model will take 1 credit per one personalization of a contact vs a single data source, LinkedIn profile or website. Our Overdrive mode consumes 2 credits per contact, leveraging all data sources about the contact.
Yes, buying more credits is easy. Once you have purchased one of our plans, additional credits can be purchased within the app. If you have any questions or doubts in connection with this, feel free to ping us on chat.
We fully support the following languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech, Danish, Lithuanian and Latvian. We continue to add more languages to our collection. If you are missing a language or service, feel free to reach out to us via chat. We are here to help you and your business!
No, we currently don’t offer contact and company data. Instead you should simply upload a list of contacts into the platform via .CSV or by connecting a Google Sheet. If you need any help in generating leads, we suggest that you visit our extensive Sales Tools Section, which is full of useful tools that will help you reach your full potential. So that you won't have to, we have taken the time to compile an extensive list of extremely useful tools that can help you optimize and scale your cold email efforts, essentially increasing your conversions.
Yes, however only for plans on annual billing